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  • laborer
  • 内卷化
  • 工工魂,工都是上
    "The soul of a laborer is hardworking, working hard is the way to be a superior person."
  • 民至上,生命至上
    "The people come first, life comes first"
  • 逆行者
    The opposite direction
  • 后浪
    The younger generation
  • 神兽
    mythical creature
  • 直播带货
    Live-streaming sales
  • 双循环
    Double circulation
  • 地摊经济
    Street stall economy
  • 地堡男孩
    Boy in a bunker
  • 多运动
    A group activity
  • PUA男
    PUA male
  • 新冠肺炎

    Novel coronavirus pneumonia
  • 盘它!

    Let's do it!
  • 工是不可能工的!
    It's impossible to work as a laborer!
  • 你是魔吗?
    Are you the devil?
  • 我信你个,你个糟老子坏得很!
    I believe in you, you old rascal, you are really bad!
  • 996
    Working from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week
  • 硬核
  • 柠檬精
    Lemon juice enthusiast
  • 谈恋爱吗?要的那种
    Do you want to fall in love? The kind that will land you in prison.
  • 我太难了

    I am too difficult

  • High
  • 咱也不知道,咱也不敢问
    I don't know, and I dare not ask
  • 我不要你觉得,我要我觉得

    I don't care what you think, I care what I think
  • 9102
    The year 2019
  • 流浪地球含京量
    The amount of Beijing in "The Wandering Earth"
  • 区块链
  • 好嗨呦

    So awesome
  • 社畜
    Corporate slave
  • 是个狼
    It's a werewolf
  • 雨无瓜
    Have nothing to do with me
  • 断舍离

    Declutter, donate, and depart
  • 融梗 -梗的融合
  • 主义

  • 文明互鉴

    Mutual learning and respect of civilizations
  • 千万条,第一条
    Ten thousand things, the first one
  • 不忘初心
    Never forget the original intention
  • 14亿护旗手
    Four billion flag guardians
  • 阿中
    A Chinese
  • 宝XX

    Treasure XX
