How many MB is a GB of memory?

作者:光仲愫 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 08:13:17

本文目录一览一、1GB of memory equals how many MB?


Computer storage units are generally repre sented by bit, B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB, BB, NB, DB The relationship between them is: < /p>

1. 1TB=1024GB;

2. 1GB=1024MB;

3. 1MB=1024KB;

4. 1KB=1024 Bytes;

As for hard disk capacity, most manufacturers always use decimal counting. Generally, computer operating systems use binary counting, so it is often found that the hard drive capacity seen on the computer is smaller than the actual available capacity on the hard drive. For example, a 20GB hard drive only shows 18.6GB.

Extended information:

Conversion rate

Computers are all binary, so they calculate units, only 2 The integer power is very convenient for computer calculations, because the circuit inside the computer has two states: high power level and low power level. So binary is used to repre sent signals so that computers can recognize them. People are accustomed to using base 10, so memory manufacturers use base 1000. The consequence of this is that the actual capacity is less than the nominal capacity. 1024 is 2 raised to the 10th power, because if it is taken larger, it will not be close to the integer power of 10, which is inconvenient for people to calculate; if it is taken small, the progress rate is too low, and more units are needed to meet the demand, so 2 raised 10 times The square is just right.

Calculation example: The nominal 100GB hard drive has an actual capacity of: 93.1GB

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Storage Unit

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-gb

二、How many MB is 1 G? How many k is 1MB?
1GB=1024MB, 1MB=1024KB
In Windows system, the basic unit of data is Byte,
Also It is what we often call bytes.
A Byte can store an English letter or half a Chinese character.
Since 1Byte is composed of 8-bit binary numbers
the carry system in the system is also based on binary numbers. The carry system is the standard binary system
The tenth power of 2 is equal to 1024, which is 1KB, the 20th power of 2 is equal to 1MB, and the 30th power is 1GB

三、How many MB is equal to 1GB of mobile phone memory?

1GB is 1G.

Conversion of other units:




1KB = 1024 bytes

Extended information:

The conversion rate is approximately equal to 1000 (1024), and the order from large to small is T, GB, MB (megabytes), KB, B No matter how small it is, it will be in place.


Computer storage units generally use bit, B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB, BB, NB, DB are repre sented, and the relationship between them is:

Bit (BinaryDigits): stores a binary number, that is, 0 or 1, the smallest storage unit. [English abbreviation: b (fixed lowercase)]

Byte byte: 8 binary bits are one byte (B), the most commonly used unit.




1GigaByte(GB) =1024MB




1ZettaByte( ZB)=1024EB







Pay attention to the Kibi series of definitions above. Kibi comes from English kilo-binary (binary thousand), and was standardized in IEC60027-2 in October 1998. But so far, it has not completely taken advantage of various applications.

MB and GB, which are commonly used for memory capacity in the information industry, almost always refer to 2^20, 2^30, digit groups. KB is also often repre sented as a 2^10 digit array to distinguish it from kB. Of course, you will often see KB mixed to repre sent a 2^10 digit array. These repre sentations are not standardized.

As for hard drive capacity, most manufacturers always use decimal counting. Generally, computer operating systems use binary counting, so you will often find that the hard drive capacity you see on your computer is smaller than the actual available capacity on the hard drive. For example, a 20GB hard drive only shows 18.6GB.

Particularly misleading is the case of floppy disks. The value of a 720KB floppy disk is a 720×1024 digit array, often using two hexadecimal digits (such a hexadecimal number is also called one in information science), while the 1.44MB floppy disk is inexplicably The value of the 1.44×1000×1024 digit array often uses two hexadecimal digits (such a hexadecimal number is also called one in information science), which is not entirely decimal or entirely binary.